All You Need To Know Before Choosing A Pertinent eBook Publishing Platform

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eBook publishing and distribution is a rather complex job with more and more publishers, authors, distributors, and publishing companies entering the market. Since the publishing industry is gradually rising, it becomes imperative that digital books or eBooks are published in a specific format that increases the reach and reader engagement. For this, eBook conversion plays a pivotal role. The publishers need to be aware of the changes taking place in the publishing industry and embrace themselves for a digital revolution. For instance, choosing a befitting eBook platform for publishing your digital content.

With the right eBook publishing platform, you can reach out to your potential audience easily and scale up your business to reach new heights. Let us first discuss some of the prominent features of an eBook publishing platform.

Key Features Of An eBook Publishing Platform

Here are a few prominent features of an eBook publishing platform that you must take note of:

1. DRM Protection

An eBook publishing platform that offers customized DRM solutions to help safeguard the digital content and prevent unauthorized access and redistribution. DRM or Digital Rights Management offers protection against piracy, intentional or unintentional theft, and unauthorized use.

You must lookout for an eBook publishing platform that offers effective digital content protection and security.

2. Compatibility Across Multiple Browsers, Operating Systems, and Mobile Devices

It is extremely important that the eBook distribution platform provides access to your digital content across most of the operating systems, web browsers, as well as mobile devices if not all. Additionally, while choosing a particular platform, make sure that the content is also given access across multiple devices including laptops, tablets, mobile phones, etc. Opt to outsource eBook distribution services to make your eBooks accessible to a larger reader base with accessibility across multiple browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices.

3. White-labeled Platform

Every publisher wants to use his/her logo or a peculiar design template for their published content. Choosing a white-label platform will allow you to boost your brand identity and also customize as per need.

4. Analytics Features

Some eBook publishing platforms also offer the analytics feature wherein publishers can get a detailed report on the content consumption patterns of users, average view time, the number of books downloaded, the number of books distributed, and so much more. This analytics feature also gives you an insight into your eBook sales as well. With this crucial information at hand, publishers can easily build a strategic plan to distribute the eBooks further and bring in more sales in their kitty. So, you must pick a publishing platform that offers an in-built analytics feature.

5. Easy Operation

Publishers must choose an eBook publishing platform that is easy to work with. Whether it is writing backend codes, designing various elements for your eBook, inserting icons and buttons, or simply dragging and dropping widgets, the platform must be equipped with it all. Hiring an expert is a viable thing to do if you require customized corporate digital publishing solutions for your eBooks.

6. ePUB3 Support

ePUB is a common eBook format that is accessible across various eBook readers. If your digital content is in any other format, be it text or PDF, you can always convert them into the latest ePUB version, i.e., ePUB3 for greater reach. More and more publishers are going for PDF to ePUB3 conversion or Word to ePUB3 conversion for more visibility. You may also consider AZW or Mobi formats for your eBooks.

An eBook publishing platform must be supported with the ePUB3 format so that publishers get to publish the content in a fixed or reflowable layout based on their requirements. Go for document conversion services to transform your eBooks into the desired publishing format

7. Enriched Media Interactivities

This is a crucial feature of an eBook publishing platform. Before finalizing an eBook publishing platform, just ensure that you are allowed to add multiple media elements to your eBook such as videos, high-quality images, audio, etc. The chosen platform must support the interactivities such as quizzes, polls, text highlights, annotations, gamification, and so on. All these elements will make the eBook all the more engaging and interactive.

A majority of ePublishing companies are opting for eBook publishing platforms that offer more flexibility and interactivity to the users.

Every publishing platform offers a unique set of features and capabilities. You must consider every possible detail before finalizing a suitable platform to cater to your distinct digital publishing and distribution needs. Let us simplify the process of choosing a befitting publishing format for you!

How To Choose An eBook Publishing Platform

Here are some of the prominent factors that you must keep in mind before choosing a suitable eBook publishing platform to stand out from the crowd:

  • Pricing Models

Before choosing a publishing platform, you must first consider the price factor. Analyze the amount you are willing to spend and shortlist the platforms on the basis of your budget. Every publishing platform has a distinct pricing plan. If things aren’t clear, you can always ask what they charge for using their website and what features they offer within the pricing model. Enquire about the percentage of the book sales they would take and make the final decision only after knowing all the essential details.

  • Prominence

While you are still looking for an ideal platform to publish your digital content, it is extremely important that you go for a platform that is renowned and is already popular among the buyers or your target audience for that matter. You must look into websites that are accessible to your potential audience. Popularity is indeed a crucial factor to zero in on a digital content distribution platform.

  • The Exclusivity Factor

Building exclusive content is something more and more authors, publishers, and publishing companies are opting for. In the world of eBooks, exclusivity is extensively practiced across Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform by a majority of small publishers. Through this feature, they are able to distribute their digital content to a massive reading audience with enhanced readability and greater exposure. Check if the chosen platform provides exclusivity to your eBooks and gives it the exposure it needs.

  • Applicability

There are many other aspects that must be considered before choosing a publishing platform for your eBooks, one of which being usability. There are certain digital content distribution platforms that offer few tools to convert eBooks into the desired publishing format, and that too for free. Look for a platform that offers such tools and renders a rather seamless reading experience to your potential reading audience by providing free eBook conversion of the documents available with you.

Apart from deciding on a befitting publishing platform, it is equally important to choose the desired format to publish the eBook. Let us throw some light on the same.

5 Key Formats Used For eBook Conversion

There are a plethora of eBook formats that can be used to distribute your digital content to the relevant audience effectively. The eBook distributors can select a particular format based on the structure or interface of the platform and ensure that the digital content effectively reaches the target audience.

Here are some of the popular eBook formats that you can choose from:

  • PDF
  • ePUB3
  • MOBI
  • TXT
  • AZW and AZW3

If you want you can change the existing format of your eBook as well and convert it into any other popular format of your choice by hiring a professional eBook conversion company. A majority of eBook retailers and distributors have been using MOBI and ePUB formats for effective digital content distribution. However, it is not necessary that you go by their choices. Pick a befitting one that best suits your requirements and go ahead with the distribution process for better reach and engagement.

Wrapping It Up

Choosing a suitable eBook distribution platform can be a challenging task, but with this handy guide, it will be possible for you to reach out to a larger audience and bring in more sales. offers effective publishing solutions and also helps in digitizing your eBooks for better reach. Connect with us at to get started.

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